
The Happy Mute; Or The Dumb Child’s Appeal Booklet
This pamphlet The Happy Mute; or The Dumb Child’s Appeal was written by Charlotte Elizabeth [Tonna] about her deaf pupil, John Britt. It was first published in Dublin in 1833 and was reprinted as the second edition, revised, in London in the same year so as to achieve wider circulation...View Exhibit
Merry Margate: A Reminiscence Of A Sunny Morning’s Ramble By B.T.
This pamphlet was published in 1890 and the author is known as B. T. It is believed that the pamphlet was published to raise funds for the schools – both The Asylum for the Support and Education of Indigent Deaf and Dumb children, Old Kent Road, London and its branch..View Exhibit
National Deaf Club Programme
The programme was for the National Deaf Club’s first Dramatic Variety Entertainment organised by Percy Goodwin and performed on 30th November 1912. The performances included a conjuring display by Ho Ni Lai, a recital of nursery rhymes by a 7-year-old daughter of a member, Mrs. Rich, and comedy sketches, “Old..View Exhibit
Queen Victoria In A Pamphlet By Henry Ash
The illustration on the front of the pamphlet showing Queen Victoria fingerspelling to a deaf woman was by Henry Ash whose dream was to create, promote and publish booklets on sign language and fingerspelling which he hoped would appeal to the general public. He designed and published this pamphlet. This..View Exhibit